• Question: dose games hurt your eyes

    Asked by anon-176564 to Ali, Jenny, Mark on 22 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Ali Hill

      Ali Hill answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      If you sit too close to them yes. I guess you also need to look at something else every now and again to give your eyes a bit of a break. But its not really my area, so this is pretty much a guess! :)🤔😁🖲️

    • Photo: Mark Kirkwood

      Mark Kirkwood answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      Sorry to be the bad guy, but yes they!

      Spending a long time staring at a screen of any kind can hurt your eyes.
      It’s because the screen is only 2D, that is, only exists at one, flat distance from your eyes.
      Your eyes are built to focus on things at different depths and distances all the time, like when you are outside staring at the beauty of the world 😀

      But if you spend your whole time looking at something the same distance away, the eye muscles start lazy, or out of shape, through doing the same thing all the time.
      That’s why you should take breaks, to give them a bit of variety!

      That said, playing games that require quick reactions, or clever thinking, can help with your development. So play away, IN MODERATION! (not too much!)
