• Question: how dose light travle?

    Asked by anon-176564 to Ali, Jenny, Mark, Simran on 21 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Ali Hill

      Ali Hill answered on 21 Jun 2018:

      Really fast and in waves. It hard to know the best way to explain it without knowing how old you are, but bbc bite size has some good videos on how light travels.

    • Photo: Mark Kirkwood

      Mark Kirkwood answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      Great question!

      People were quite unsure for a while, because they couldn’t decide whether it travelled in particles (bits) or waves (wobbly lines).

      They now think that it’s a bit of both, with particles of light travelling as waves.

      I’m not a physicist, so that’s about as technical as I can get, but as Ali suggests, go check out some bbc vids on how light travels!
