• Question: why do you want this £500?

    Asked by anon-176575 to Ali, Jenny, Mark on 22 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Ali Hill

      Ali Hill answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      I want to bring kids from local schools into my batcave so they can find out how food makes you good at sports. Problem is that most schools don’t have money for transport (and there isn’t enough room in the batmobile to get them all here) so I’d use it for that.

    • Photo: Mark Kirkwood

      Mark Kirkwood answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      I want to use the money to create a simple yet fun card game, that teaches kids about microbes.

      These little guys do so much for us, that it’s really important we all learn how useful they can be, and how deadly some of them are if we aren’t careful!
