• Question: Have you done any other interesting jobs in the past?

    Asked by anon-176387 to Simran, Ali on 13 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Ali Hill

      Ali Hill answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Ooh interesting question!

      I’ve done a lot of different things. I used to work in a gym, I’ve been a personal trainer, spinning instructor, run circuit classes. I’ve also worked in a garden centre, bread shop, fed piglets.Before I did my current job I got a bit sick of science, so I went to do something totally different. I was a swimming teacher & triathlon coach. But I missed it so I came back as a sports nutritionist.

      As for bizarre jobs, I once had to grind dried pig poo up in a coffee blender….. don’t ask – not something I’d repeat in a hurry (it really stank!) but it was well paid!

    • Photo: Simran Chopra

      Simran Chopra answered on 19 Jun 2018:

      Hey Ali

      Well, I have worked as an artist, a chef, a waiter, a graphic designer, an ethnographer, an urban farmer, an assistant, a filmmaker, a user experience researcher, an interaction designer, a teacher and a gardener. Most of the work was enjoyable and exciting.

      My grandmother always said ‘it is not the work but what you make out of it’

      😀 Sim
