• Question: I don't like fish but my family always say I should eat it because it has great nutrients in. Is this true and if so where else can I get these nutrients?

    Asked by anon-176730 to Jenny, Ali on 18 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Ali Hill

      Ali Hill answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      Fish is really good for you because it has special fats in it called omega threes. The ones that fish have are really long molecules – sort of like if you imagine you made a wall out of Lego. And you need them in your brain, and to help reduce the likelihood that you get heart disease and asthma etc (probably not something you worry about now, but you should!). You can get smaller molecules of the omega threes that you can use to make the fish type of omega threes in seeds and nuts – kind of like if you had individual bricks and you used it to make a wall. But it’s not as efficient a process.
      I didn’t like fish when I was a kid, but when I started studying fish oil at university I realised how good it was for me and started eating it again 🐟
