• Question: what is your favorite thing to do?

    Asked by anon-176392 to Ali on 13 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Ali Hill

      Ali Hill answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Hi D2 Eclipse,

      Outside my job or in it?

      In my job I love watching athletes I’ve worked with win medals. Because who doesn’t like watching sports as part of their work! But I also love the difference you see in people when they start eating right, especially people who’re new to a sport. It makes such a difference to their sport!

      Outside my job I love being outdoors. I have two kids and we spend a lot of our free time at the beach or in the New Forest in my VW campervan called Bella. It’s exciting because we’re never truly sure if we’re going to get all the way home without it breaking down! – it’s old but I love it! 🙂
