• Question: Who was the first scientist

    Asked by anon-176571 to Mark on 21 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Mark Kirkwood

      Mark Kirkwood answered on 21 Jun 2018:

      oooooh tricky.

      Well, probably the first scientists were our ancient cavemen relatives, who figured out how to make simple tools from rocks and sticks.

      They would have noticed that bashing things with just their hands was tricky, and that rocks were hard and sticks were pointy, and stringy plants could be tied round them.
      Then they would’ve tested out different ways to arrange the rocks and string and twigs, to make useful tools. Then they would’ve tried these tools on plants or animals to see if they worked, and then made them better by seeing how that went.

      Learning from observing, and testing out theories, is the scientific way!
