• Question: why do you think science is better than engineering

    Asked by elephantpineapple1004 to Ali, Jenny, Mark, Paul, Simran, Stephen on 10 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Mark Kirkwood

      Mark Kirkwood answered on 10 Jun 2018:

      Hey elephantpineapple! Amazing name, btw.

      I’m not going to annoy any engineers, they can build tanks and stuff, you know!

      They are both really important subjects, and you’ll be helping the world out a lot if you do either one.

      I LIKE science more, especially microbiology (study of little dudes!), because I like living things and find diseases cool and interesting.

      Do whatever you love doing!


    • Photo: Ali Hill

      Ali Hill answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Elephantpineapple? What a great name 🙂

      Ooh, that sounds like a question I could get in a lot of trouble answering! 🙂 I agree with Mark, it’s not better, it’s just different.

      But as far as I’m concerned, engineering generally involves less food, particularly cake. I like food, so that’s why I work in Science!

    • Photo: Jenny Shepperson

      Jenny Shepperson answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      I’ve heard a general comparison that science creates knowledge, and engineering creates things – we definitely need both of these! So maybe different people are ‘better’ at one or the other, or enjoy one more than the other, but I don’t think we can say that one subject is better than another!

    • Photo: Simran Chopra

      Simran Chopra answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Hello ElephantPineapple

      Did you grow on a spiky bush or on a tree?

      Well, I would give my answer as – Science is to question and Engineering is to build. They are both related so you can say they are cousins that help each other in trying to solve different but difficult questions.

